This article is not specifically related to parenting (Though this helps big time if you are a parent reading this).
Having emotions is the quality that makes humans exceptional from other species, but having control of these emotions is what makes exceptional humans. Humans are filled with different feelings like anger, love, conscience, fear, to mention a few. Without these emotions, it might be challenging to act humane, but being under the control of these emotions can also have adverse effects on the individual concerned.
Emotional control does not mean that we should not jump with joy when something good happens to us or even cry when hurt. This means that acting on some emotions may lead to regrets later, and these emotions can be anger, fear, and so on. For this reason, is why our feelings should be under our control and not the other way around. Some of the ways of doing this are:
- Identify the feelings – Try to understand the reason behind these emotions and then respond accordingly. This may seem like an easy thing to do, but when these emotions set in, then we will find out how easy it can be. Because sincerely, trying to remain calm when angry is complicated but worth doing. This is just a means of responding to emotions instead of reacting, and it is known that responding takes a more strategic approach while reacting implies the outburst of these emotions.
- Do not suppress – Emotions should never be contained because in the long run the cup is going to get full and this will eventually lead to an outburst. Like it is popularly said; “a problem shared is a problem half solved,” this saying has proven its viability over the years, and it also applies to emotions. Therefore, finding someone we trust enough and spilling out how we feel to them may be helpful in dealing with emotions.
- Exercise – This may be surprising but exercising also relieves one of anger and stress. Exercising in this context may be in the form of physical exercise or mental exercise. Am sure physical exercise is self-explanatory. Therefore, the mental exercise can be in form of reading books, enjoying views, meditations, to mention a few.
- Find the root – Reaction towards stress and anger can affect one’s health than the anger or stress itself. Therefore, we should be able to recognize the reason for the anger or stress and if it is within our control, then control it, but if it is not, it will be best to handle the ones within our limit and seek assistance while at it.
No one wants to be at the mercy of their emotions, but this statement can only be achieved by taking the steps needed to control these emotions. Moreover, feelings are not limited to any age bracket. Therefore emotional control should not be limited to certain people.