Change is the only constant, and sometimes accepting these changes might be herculean. It can be shocking when our children that used to be a toddler become all grown up and start acting as such with little or no regards of how their parents will feel about such activities.
Well, this is like a normal trait found in almost all teenagers, but that does not mean they should be left alone to behave however they want to, because at the end of the day, directly or indirectly, it still falls back on we parents. Therefore, to avoid consequences or at least minimize the consequences of our children’s action, parents should be able to handle their children at their teenage years properly prepared.
So how best can we stay prepared in handling our teenage children?
- It should be known that our children are now grownups but not adults, so they should not be treated like an adult. Though at this stage in their lives the children tend to feel like adults, but as parents we know they are still vulnerable and they cannot be held responsible like adults. Therefore, it is our duty as parents to impose the necessary checks where needed, and also freedom when needed.
- At this period, relationship with our children should be factored more around trust not suspicion. Being teenagers, our children may get into a lot of trouble which may in a way betray our trust for them, but this something that is expected from every child, isn’t it? So instead of using their misbehavior as an excuse to becoming suspicious at each of their actions, we should learn to trust them more at this crucial period of their lives.
- Our teenage children should not be disciplined out of emotions. our children will know how to hit our “red button”, but reacting to their misconduct will not be a good way of imposing the necessary disciplinary actions. Therefore, we should learn to respond to their misconduct and not react. Responding to things takes patience which should not be lacking when dealing with our children.
- As teenagers, our child will feel they deserve some respect from us parents, and to an extent, that honour and respect should be given to them. Respect can be shown in different ways, and one of them is listening. Listening is a skill that a parent must have because in building a relationship with our children, they need to feel listened to, to encourage them to tell us more things that make them uncomfortable. Also, their decision should be respected, but these decisions can still be subject to parental advice.
- It may be difficult for teens to express their emotions adequately to their parents but this should not hinder us from showing them our unconditional love. Love is blind like it is popularly said, so the love for our children should not be based only on their good or bad conduct.
Teenage years for our children are challenging times for both the children and the parent, so as parents we should try not to be too clingy and frustrating to our children to enable better communication which will, in turn, lead to developing a better parent-children relationship.