Paramount to effective child raising are the emotional, therapeutic effects of hugging. Hugging magically prevents an emotional breakdown, so to speak. If you have ever been given a warm, lovely, gentle hug before, trust me, it’s powerful than you could ever imagine. It’s like drowning an abysmal pit of love and happiness. Love is the only way to heal emotional wounds; a big warm cuddle can alleviate the burden called “pain.”
Apart from healing woods and feeling great, below are some other wonderful things ‘hugging and less tugging would do to your kids.’
Hugging helps children grow emotionally: Young children needs lots of emotional stimulation as they grow. At this periods of their lives, they need lots of emotional attachment. Their minds crave for an intimate relationship. Parents need to be alert during these periods. These are when kids begin to assume character traits that will be permanent and would be difficult to improve later on. Hugging improves your relationship with your children. It brings trust and dependence. It grows an intimate bond that will last for life.
More importantly, science tell us that hugging has mental benefits: It helps increase oxytocin which promotes good nerve growth. Even more, hugging helps regulate your children’s emotion and make them become resilient.
Tugging does the exact opposite: Tug raising your kid can make the child emotionally distrssed, depressed and would care less about their emotional quotient. Which can be linked to many of the good kids who are now the southpaws, hoodlums and scumbags we now have all over the place. For the records, health data and records has it that they suffer emotional breakdown as a result of bad parenting.
Tugging hurt kids, instead of building them: Show your kids affection. Its the only way of raising kids positively. If you hug your children daily, you would contribute lots of positive emotions in them over a long period. Doing so, you will help the world get rid of one emotional tantrum