The future is a variable that remains a mystery, but the preparation for this mystery is the best way to its unraveling. There is a popular quote that says, “you can never be over-prepared.” This saying means that no matter how much you prepare, there is nothing like being too prepared. Thus, our children should be readily prepared for whatever the future brings, and here are five life skills that ensure readiness;
Cultivate relationship: The world revolves around relationships, and humans are nothing without relationships. There is no one person that can survive this earth on their own, without the help of others or at least co-dependency. Having said this, it is essential to teach our children how to build, nurture, and maintain relationships like their lives depended on it because it does.
Acting mindfully: The most offensive mistakes towards humans are proven to be unintentional mistakes. Like saying something that doesn’t sound offensive to you but the person, it is being said to counts it as very offensive. Therefore, to avoid this, we have to ensure we are intentional about everything we do and ensure our children are also mindful of how they behave.
Not giving in to peer pressure: One of the commonest ways in which children get influenced is through peer pressure. And to avoid our children from falling into this dark pit, we have to build their self-esteem and self-confidence. Making sure the children are able to make their stance on what they want and what they don’t want, what they can do and what they can’t. This way, they won’t become a victim of peer pressure.
Better communication skills: As stated earlier in this article, humans cannot survive without relationships, and before a relationship can be created, there has to be some form of communication. Being able to communicate properly is a skill that one must possess and nurture. Therefore, our children should be appropriately enlightened on communication and how to use it effectively.
Basic etiquettes: Our children should be taught the basic protocols, which makes it easier to keep relationships and ore. Etiquettes like; emotional control, appearance, the culture of speech, and lots more.