The term over-parenting will sound strange to many of us, not just strange but also accompanied by several questions. Questions like; is there anything like over-parenting? How do we over-parent our kids? What am I not doing right? And many more. But keep your mind at ease, the term means always being over-protective of your kids. Which of course covers many grounds, but for the sake of this article, we will focus on only three which are;
Not allowing your children to choose on their own: Parents tend to control the lives of their children to the extent that the children are left with no option of making decisions concerning their own lives. Coming from personal experience, children can begin to feel left out of their own lives, which of course, is something we wouldn’t want for them. And to avoid this, parents have to give their children the liberty to make some decisions, and if the choices don’t align with what we want for them, we can try to advise them or find another means to convince them.
Not accepting their failures: Some things are difficult to accept, failure is one of the many. Even for the person that failed, the failure has already done some damage to their self-esteem. Not to top it with the reaction of the parents when they do not accept the failure of their children. It is understandable that no one wants their kids to fail, but should in case they do, we as parents should help them get through it by. This can be done by accessing things they did wrong that made them fail and correcting them with love.
Gifting them too much for no reason: The love between parents and their children cannot be quantified. The majority of parents love their kids even though they are expressed in different ways. Having said that, showing excess love can be damaging to any relationship, including the parent-children relationship. In this case, parents answering to all their children’s requests, not scolding them when necessary, gifting them too much, to mention a few. Gifting our kids is not a bad thing; the problem arises when it becomes excess and unwarranted.