There was a time when I was deep in thought, and I was sitting right beside a water dispenser, I was accompanying my thoughts with the intake of water which I didn’t know could be excess until I began to feel uncomfortable from the inside. Then and there, I knew even the good things of life could harm if they become excess. Just as I was beginning to feel awkward due to the intake of excess water, parenting can also be in excess, and here are the effects it will have on our children.
Higher levels of depression: The rate of depression has been increasing at an alarming rate, and the reason for this cannot be pinpointed to a factor. That leaves us with lots of things to consider, including over-parenting. When we over-parent our kids, they tend to get accustomed to the lifestyle, and anything excluding what they are used to will pose a challenge for them. And since they were not brought up to handle challenges, it can push them to a state that might cause depression.
Spoilt children: It is normalcy for every parent to want to spoil their kids every once in a while, but while it is allowed to spoil our children, we can’t afford to bring up spoilt children. The difference between spoiling our children occasionally and having spoilt children is the fact that being spoilt becomes a habit for them. Then it gets to a point where we might not be able to control them again or even meet their needs, and if they can’t get what they have always been used to, it becomes a challenge. Many other challenges come with having a spoilt child that parents will love to avoid.
A lower level of satisfaction: Since the children grew up with getting everything they wanted and always having their parents back them up. The only way to satisfy them is to do exactly what the parent has been doing for them, which is almost impossible to achieve outside the care of the parents. They are thus leading to a level of satisfaction that can seldom be met without meeting the standards of their parents—making the kids less adaptive to changes of circumstances.