The skills to communicate effectively with others lies in our interpersonal skills, otherwise known as social skill and building this up in children right from their childhood is encouraged in parents. Humans are sociable creatures, and there are different ways to communicate with one another. But this is not just about communicating, it is about communicating in the right way, which can be either through gestures, body language, to mention a few. Now getting familiar with different ways of communication is a good idea, and here are some few tips;
Sharing: Have you ever wondered why we were created to be interdependent? Well, it is because we cannot exist without one another. This means sharing has been in existence since the beginning of time, and there is no changing it. Enough of history, why is sharing so important? Sharing is a way of communicating that you care enough to want to give what you have, more like passing a message, and it always well received by the recipient. And this is a trait that should be embedded in our children.
Making eye contact in conversations: They say the eyes are the windows to the soul, which in simpler term means it is a reflection to the inner self. This means a conversation can go different ways, wrong or right, but eye contact can never go wrong, especially when you have nothing to hide. So making eye contact during conversations is important as some times, it is used in judging the boldness of the person being conversed with.
Greeting elders: The show of respect cannot be neglected when talking about social skills. Greeting usually is an act of communication, that makes the presence of individuals known to one another. Greetings are used prior to most conversations but it does not just end there, elders are to be respected by the younger ones and one of the many ways to show respect is to greet.
Loving younger ones: Just as the older ones are to be respected by the younger ones, the younger ones are to be loved by the older ones. The show of love goes a long way to the younger ones as they tend to confide in elders that show love more but remember, love does not mean spoiling them with everything.