Children are free-spirited and can be said to be naïve until, of course, parents train them appropriately. Training children cannot be said to be a job; it is more like a way of life. So, just as life comes with different experiences and life lessons, children also have their various traits and lifestyle; one of which can be being too demanding. One of our responsibilities as parents is to meet our children’s demands and immediate needs, but sometimes, children go a little over the board, and if they are not corrected in time, they might assume it is the right thing. Here are some few tips on how to contain the demanding nature of children;
Teach them the difference between demanding and a polite request: It is true that parents are bound to provide for their children, but even at this, parents can still decide not to or might not just be able to due to financial constraints or some other reasons. On saying this, it is essential to state that the way we place our request can make the difference if it is granted or not. Children at their tender age need to be guided through this process to ensure they are well aware of what it means to request politely. Therefore, we should teach our children to request things politely and respectfully, and this can be achieved by immediately cautioning them when they request forcefully. Demanding in this context means asking in a manner that shows they do not mind the circumstance; all they want is to get what they asked.
Respond only to their polite request: Curbing a bad habit can be as complex as killing a lion without any tools. Therefore, we should ensure our children are taught early enough to avoid it becoming a habit. We can curb their demanding nature right from the onset by selectively responding to requests made politely. By doing this, they get to know the right thing to do when they need something and the things that will only agitate the other party.