February 4, 2018

A student who stood up on the first day to introduce himself but couldn’t, held the audience spell bound at the experience sharing session. ~ Suresh Sadmal, Placement Cell Officer
February 4, 2018

I attended the workshop forcefully. But the two days were so amazing that I thank my friend for pushing me into it. What fun we had! I got to learn so many new things. Most importantly I respect my parents more than ever now. Wish to […]
February 4, 2018

I have started to believe in myself more than ever. The best part is that I overcame my stage fear. My attitude towards myself had changed […]
February 4, 2018

I have broken through so many mental barriers. I always use to think so negatively. My attitude has completely change in just two days. Loved the workshop. Hope to attend more soon. Thanks a ton! […]
February 4, 2018

Age Appropriate Responsibilities for Children

Teaching responsibilities to children is as crucial as feeding them. Handling them chores to do is a simple way to begin the journey. Handling responsibilities on […]
February 4, 2018

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January 31, 2018

Is your child focusing on Education or Academics?

Yes. They are not the same. What’s the difference then? Before we see the difference and what Education is about, let’s see what Education is not […]


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