A relationship can only be successful when there is proper communication because, without communication, there will be no reasonable existence for humans. Communication involves at least two people, the sender, and the receiver, but this process cannot be complete without a message being passed across and of course, the ability to decode the message.
Since communication is a very vital part of human existence, how indispensable can it get between parents and children? Nowadays, communication between parents and their children has gotten very shallow due to the advent of social media platforms and some other reasons best known individually. But children still need to feel the presence of their parents in their lives no matter how much they think they hate it. And this presence can only be felt through proper communication. Now how can we effectively communicate with our children?
Praise: The value of praising our children has been undervalued over the years, forgetting the fact that it still stands as one of the best ways to boost the self-esteem of the young ones. Most times, when the children act they expect feedback from their parents, either in a good or bad way. This is the reason why when they do something good, it Is best to make them know you are proud of them by praising them. Praising a child can never be too much if they deserve it. It is not over-pampering, it is an encouragement.
Scold: As much as you praise your children when they do something good, we should also keep close to the same energy when they misbehave. Children are allowed to make mistakes, but not correcting that mistake is a mistake a parent cannot afford to make. And this is because when they do something supposedly wrong, and they are not corrected, they tend to assume they were right, and it becomes a habit.
Appreciate: Appreciation has always been something that is almost only expected when someone does a favor for us or something related. But this state of mind can be corrected, especially with the children. Parents make the mistake of appreciating their children less in comparison to how they understand other kids, and this can be damaging to the kids. Appreciate the uniqueness in your kids and why appreciating other children, try as much as possible to avoid belittling yours.